Piper Weiss

Goth Bard Extraordinaire


NAME: Piper Weiss
GENDER: Female
RACE: Hyur
AGE: 21
NAMEDAY: 20th Sun, 5th Umbral Moon

-building and fixing objects
-sweets and teas
-sleaze bags

Piper can be rather blunt at times. If she's not interested in you, she has no problem telling you so. She also has a tendency to forget individuals who don't stand out to her, or whom she considers worthless. If they can't help her, why would she bother trying to remember them?
Piper can be rather tight with her gil at times, especially if she doesn't think her gil will be benefitting those she is giving it to. This is a trait she learned from her Father, who told her to never invest in something bound to fail. However, she does have a soft spot for those in need, as she grew up interacting with street rats in Ul'dah. Because of this, she's not only generous with her money when someone needs it, but may have also picked up some unconventional slang and ways of speaking.Piper is creative, and is always thinking of ways to do something better, or change it to look more appealing. She's usually not afraid to tell you that you "look like trash in that outfit" if she doesn't like your style.


Piper grew up in a wealthy household in Ul'dah. Her Father was a secretary who worked under Lord Lolorito Nanarito while her Mother was a trading merchant who obtained and sold wares from distant lands. Due to this, Piper was home schooled most of her life and taught how to become a merchant. Though she was very talented in bartering with customers and making sales, Piper despised this way of life and shortly before her 16th name day, ran away from home to start a life of her own without her parents.For the first year of living on her own, Piper took on odd jobs around Ul'dah to make ends meet. This included learning to mend cloths for weavers, gathering materials for the alchemists, and being a model for the weaver and goldsmith guilds. Once she saved up enough gil for herself, she left Ul'dah to seek out other cities where she could officially begin her life.The first city she found herself in was Gridania. Here she met a Bard who required a squire, and she happily took up the job. Soon she found herself writing songs for him, and in turn began seeing requests from other bards to write songs for them. She kept this job for just shy of 7 months before she decided she had enough of being in someone's shadow yet again, and began wandering, attempting to be a bard of her own caliber.While she's not exactly famous, she has managed to get her foot in the door of the community for musically inclined individuals. In an attempt to show some 'support' towards his daughter, Piper's Father provided her with her very first mammet, which he found in a trash heap and gave to her as a gift.Piper worked diligently attempting to repair the mammet she lovingly named Viola, so she might have someone else to play with. She quickly discovered that Viola's voice was destroyed beyond repair, and instead of taking her to a mammeteer who could fix her, decided to keep her as is. Viola in a way, reminded her of herself--someone who struggled to be seen and recognized and she didn't have the heart to change her. Unlike other mammets Piper has met, Viola is very warm and personable, falling in love with people quickly. Though she cannot talk, she mimes out as best she can what she is attempting to say to others.After seeing her growing success as a bard, her Father decided to buy her a new mammet, one that is apparently top of the line. Piper named this one Falsetto, and has quickly learned that although he can talk and works better than Viola, he may be slightly defective as he would rather sleep and laze about when he's not working.


If you are in need of a bard, look no further! Bard services are available upon request, and payment can be discussed before hand as needed.
I am able to provide up to 8 bards myself, but am open to performing with others, or in smaller groups.
+100k/h for mammets
+250k/h for additional bards
*Prices are subject to change. Discounts are available upon discussion.Below you'll find a link to my repository, as well as a link to my personal discord if you are interested.

This is in no way required, but if gil payments are not an option for you, or you would rather donate/pay for work using IRL currency, feel free to use my ko-fi (cup icon below)Rates are whatever you think is reasonable! I do this for fun, and I'm never 100% sure what I should charge for midis, since some take almost no time, while others take hours. We can always talk and work out a price too if you would prefer!

Click on the folder icon to see all of my midi packs with their included Discography!Interested in my up coming performance schedule? Click on the Calendar below!

Planned Events and Gigs

Oct 146pm PST / 9pm ESTBards & BrewsCrystal/MarlboroMist, W1 P44
TBATBAFinal Fantasy Concert (multiple showings)TBATBA
TBATBAMidi Pack Preview ConcertPrimal/UltrosTBA
01/23/2025TBAPiper's 5 year Anniversary Birthday BashPrimal/UltrosTBA

Pop Up Events

10/20/20243pm PST / 6pm EST60-120 minUltros, Gridania Ampitheter
11/01/20243pm PST / 6pm EST60-120 minUldah, Adventurer's Guild

Piper's Tarot ReadingsTarot readings can have between 3 and 12 cards. Depending on the number of cards, your reading can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.All readings can have a picture of the spread along with the reading sent to you via DiscordReadings can pertain to anything you desire, be it love, advice, or a general reading.You may ask as many questions as you like, however, only one may be answered per spread. If you wish to try and answer multiple questions, please ask for a 'general' reading, as this will allow for the most broadest of readings, and allow you to interpret it based on your questions.You are not required to divulge what your question is if you do not wish. You may choose to keep it to yourself if you wish.


Photography is available upon request!I am better with solo shots, but I am more than happy to take photos with more than one subject in them. I am also better with SFW shots, but am willing to try NSFW shots as well. Regardless of number of subjects or if the shoot is SFW or NSFW, I do reserve the right to decline a shoot.I do not currently have set prices for my shoots, but payment can be discussed. I will ask for 50% payment upon booking the shoot, and the remaining 50% once finished photos are given to you. For now, these are my prices:SFW
Pre-made pose: 250k + 50k/additional person
Custom pose: 350k + 70k/additional personNSFW
Additionally, if you'd rather pay for services with IRL currency, you can find my ko-fi under my bard tab! Rates can be discussed, but are what ever you feel like is a reasonable amount!**PSA: I am not requesting that individuals pay for services with IRL currency. I am simply providing that option for users if they would rather pay for services that way. I will always take in-game currency first and foremost for services when possible.